Thursday, September 13, 2012


Today we just hung out at the hotel and waited for Jack to arrive in the afternoon with Mia's passport, visa, and immigration paperwork. Everything was in order, of course, and when we showed Mia her passport with the visa inside, she said, "Kennady, Ava, Carson, Landon."

She is understanding so much English already. Let's go eat, brush your teeth, Do you want to go swimming?, and several more. Amazing.

We head out at 6:00am in the morning to Hong Kong via private van. It's a two hour drive. Then flight to Chicago! We leave Hong Kong at 11:00am and arrive in Chicago at 12:30pm. Wish it were really a 1 1/2 hour flight! We're just happy to get out of here before the Super Typhoon hits in a few days!! Yikes!

Pray for our trip! Got lots of new games on the iPad for Mia and her "USA" shirt is ready for her to wear! :)

1 comment:

  1. Safe travels. We are home six months with our Shanghai daughter. She is seven. I'll show her Mia's picture from the photo list and see if she knows her. We live in the midwest also - I am assuming you do from your Chicago reference. If you want to get in contact with us, please let April know as I don't want to leave contact information here.
